Diablo 4 players call for change to improve city navigation “with no downside”

Souhardya Choudhury
Diablo 4 Kyovashad

Diablo 4 players are asking the devs to implement this simple change inside cities to make it much more convenient.

Diablo 4 players have been quite active in the community, suggesting several changes to improve their Season 3 experience. Even though most of it has been grievances, some have raised pretty interesting points that many appreciate.

Blizzard have been releasing a handful of patches since the launch of Season of the Construct, addressing most of the issues in the game. However, one player has a new suggestion that according to them, would definitely improve the in-game experience making it much more convenient.

Reddit user ‘powersoul’ called for a “200% movement speed” boost inside cities as that would make interacting with vendors and completing upgrades much faster. The OP questioned: “What’s the point of limiting movement speed inside a town?”

Diablo 4 classes have varying movement speeds but it can be tackled by using a mount. However, as players cannot use mounts in towns and cities, many feel that the slow movement speed is a hindrance. The OP claimed that it would be “such a huge QoL improvement with no downside.”

“Yes, this would be great and probably also an easy fix,” added a player as well. They even suggested that the devs could introduce this by tying it down to Renown, to make it more “interesting.” One player was quite fed up as they claimed that there was “no response” when they suggested this at launch.

“They don’t do this because the out-of-touch Dev teams/project leads/suits think the majority of the player base values NPC/Town interaction in a Diablo game,” argued a player as they were in favor of a movement speed boost inside cities as well in Diablo 4.

It remains to be seen if Blizzard will address this issue explicitly.

For more on the game, check out how players want all boots to include this extremely useful stat and how a player is shocked as Uber Unique makes them almost invincible.