Diablo 4 players call for “helpful” feature to let them test builds in Season 5

Souhardya Choudhury
Diablo 4 training dummy

Diablo 4 players have been using the Training Dummy to help min-max their builds and stats but think it can be even more useful with a DPS meter to display exactly how much damage they’re dealing in real time.

In a Reddit thread discussing a DPS meter, the majority fully supported it. One player added how it could be “super helpful for build testing and min/maxing stats.”

A DPS meter would ideally show the exact stats and damage numbers for each skill that you decide to put on a particular character, and the Training Dummy would be the perfect spot to test this. “They could literally just make it a thing while using the test dummy and I’d be satisfied,” said a player.

Many factors can determine the overall damage of skills, so it could be a useful way to determine if a particular skill is worth investing in, as the DPS meter would give them the overall picture.

One player said that having the DPS meter would be quite helpful as they “would have the math, all right there.” Others were certain that adding this feature would be useful in the long run.

However, having a lot of numbers floating around the screen for each stat might cause clutter, so players feel that it’s best if the DPS meter is only added to the Training Dummy. The community complained about screen clutter when items they picked up started being displayed on the screen, so the idea of constant numbers would likely not be well received.

Of course, players are eagerly waiting for Blizzard to release the official Season 5 patch notes and everything about the upcoming endgame activity known as Infernal Hordes, so the devs will probably start releasing more info about all the new features very soon.

About The Author

Souhardya was a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who covered Diablo 4, EA FC 24, Baldur's Gate 3, and Elden Ring. He has a degree in Media Science & Journalism and has previously worked at Spiel Times and Sportskeeda.