Diablo 4 players call for simple change to make Midwinter Blight event “feel more alive”

Souhardya Choudhury
Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight back trophy

The Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight event has finally arrived, but players are calling for a simple change to make the event feel much more “alive.”

Diablo 4 fans have been eating well for the past few months since the launch of Season 2 as the devs have constantly kept the ARPG fresh with new content. Now that the Abattoir of Zir and Midwinter Blight events are in full swing at the same time, some players are even finding it overwhelming to keep up.

The new Midwinter Blight event has received mixed reviews from players. Even though some have claimed that it has proved to be a good and short event, many have been left wanting more.

Reddit user ‘SleepyRaijin’ suggested that “Red Cloaked Horror should have been a World Boss” in Diablo 4. The OP added that there could have been a meter which when filled, summons the Red Cloaked Horror boss. All the players in the area would “fight it together” after it was summoned.

“Something so simple makes the overworld feel more alive and like you’re playing with real players,” added the OP. They also felt that the Red Cloaked Horror was a cool boss in Diablo 4 and players in lower tiers were “having a blast” fighting it.

Others also agreed with them as they added: “This is a really cool idea. Holiday world boss with unique rates up. On theme.”

As it is a minor event that would be up until January 2, 2023, it is unlikely that Blizzard would be releasing any hotfixes for the Midwinter Blight. However, there is a chance that the devs could add some changes if the community are calling for it.

For more on Diablo 4, check out the QoL changes players want in the UI and the buffs they want for the Midwinter Blight event.