Diablo 4 players desperate for fix to ally skills making it impossible to see

Amitesh Dhar
Diablo 4 Sorcerer

Diablo 4 players want the option to disable the visual effects of skills cast by other players because it’s making the game “unplayable.”

If you take the Sorcerer’s Fireball skill, for example, it has immense AoE potential and is suitable for clearing ads, but it looks a lot like Hellfire.

This is problem if you’re teaming up with players in modes like Infernal Hordes, or in open-world activities like Helltides. Whenever an ally casts such skills, it’s nearly impossible to see where Hellfire will land because the skill effects cover even the red circles that form on the ground before the attack hits.

As a player on Reddit mentioned, minions and traps are transparent to others, and the same should apply to all skills in the game.

Most agreed with what the OP had to say. A player mentioned, “Fireball has to be one of the most visually distracting skills I’ve ever seen in the game to date,” while another added, “My wife had to quit playing twice so far, because of one of these sorcerers joining in on our maiden kill, it makes here physically ill and nauseated.”

Others noted that the game’s colorblind filters don’t provide a workaround either: “We went to the “accessibility” options to change items’ color, but there are no such options.”

While the OP discussed the Fireball Sorcerer in their post, the Dust Devil Barbarians or the Blight Necromancers have skills that can block the entire screen.

Players feel that an option to disable these effects is necessary to prevent the screen from becoming an absolute mess. They also compared the situation to the early days of World of Warcraft, where a similar problem existed.

Considering that there are more patches planned for this season, players are hopeful that the developers will address this issue along with the poison damage and Uber Lilith bugs.