Diablo 4 players reveal simple tricks to farm Stygian Stones easily

Emily Stander
Tormented Echo of Varshan in Diablo 4

Stygian Stones are an extremely rare resource in Diablo 4, so some players have had a tough time trying to find enough to summon Tormented bosses. Thankfully, though, there are some tricks you can use to maximize farming them.

Diablo 4 Season 4 has started turning the tide on many issues players have historically had with the game by making the grind a little more rewarding. Largely, this has been thanks to the introduction of a fully reworked Codex of Power and changes to how loot works. 

Stygian Stones were a new resource added this season, and they’re needed to summon Tormented bosses. They are extremely rare, though, and this has posed a little bit of a problem for some players. 

“How the eff are people getting these? Running anywhere from 50-70s Pits and haven’t gotten a single stone in 25 runs,” ‘Deep-Economy-2156’ shared on Reddit

The problem was a universal feeling among players, but some had the answer for the best ways to farm Stygian Stones so you can summon Tormented bosses. 

The overwhelming solution to this problem was to farm Iron Wolf Reputation with new characters. If you create a new character and do the season journey again, you will get the rewards again each time.

The Pit in Diablo 4
If you don’t want to do the journey again, The Pit is the next best option.

You get a good amount of Stygian Stones at the end of Chapter 6 and 7 of the seasonal journey, and because this applies to each seasonal character too, you can put them in your stash and grab them with your main when you need them. 

The second best way to farm Stygian Stones is to run The Pit at higher levels. Without creating a new character and completing the journey again, this is the main way that you are meant to get Stygian Stones. 

Once you have defeated the boss at the end of The Pit, open the cache, and you have a pretty good chance of finding Stygian Stones as part of your reward. 

Again, though, it’s important to run these at higher levels. The higher the Tier level of the dungeon, the more likely Stygian Stones are to drop.

If you’re struggling to find any more rare resources, players have also suggested some tips for finding all the rare resources in the game. Otherwise, make sure that you have the best build for your character when you enter The Pit so you can easily get through the higher Tiers.