Fortnite players beg devs to bring Upgrade Benches back

Stephanie Zucarelli
Fortnite Upgrade Bench

Fortnite fans have discovered that Epic Games removed Upgrade Benches from the map during Chapter 5 Season 1, and they’re asking devs for new ways to spend their Gold Bars during matches.

While Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 introduced new game modes like LEGO Fortnite and Fortnite Festival, there also have been major changes to its battle royale mode. But even if players fully embraced the new collabs with Family Guy and Metal Gear Solid, and some are also trying out the new moving train that crosses the island, there hasn’t been much sympathy for the new Mod Benches.

Fortnite players have slammed this update, claiming that it’s not only difficult to find them, but it’s nearly impossible to compare mods while you’re fighting against the clock and other players. Amid this debate, fans also noticed that the Upgrade Bench has been completely removed from Fortnite.

“This is the first season that I actually miss these things. I get a blue weapon with just the right mods that I like, and man I sure wish I could get it to a higher rarity somehow and still keep the same mods…,” commented Redditor ‘BlueSheep.’

Most players felt that without the Upgrade Bench, there’s no practical use for gold, an in-game currency that some admitted just using for Upgrades or shuffling Augments.

“I wouldn’t mind their departure if Epic bothered to put Mod stations all over the place just like these things were, so we can mod our guns wherever we want to,” said Reddit user ‘tr00th.’

Without the Upgrading Bench, Fortnite users feel that there’s a dynamic missing to really focus on modding their weapons, “I wish that the weapon mod benches that you can use to add weapon mods to your guns also had a feature to upgrade the weapon’s rarity. It would be nice to not spend tons of gold modding a weapon and then finding a better rarity one,” pointed out user ‘Joshua_G_Jorman.’

Epic Games haven’t said anything specific about unvaulting the Upgrade Bench or including more Mod Stations in their battle royale maps, so we’ll keep you updated in case they include it in the next season.

And that’s everything about how Fortnite players reacted to the secret removal of Upgrade Benches. If you want to know more about Epic Games’ battle royale, check why fans are saying that snipers are “broken” and why players are majorly disappointed with the “lazy” New Year 2024 Item Shop.