AFK Arena best Hero tier list: Best characters for PvP, PvE, and bosses in 2023

Aakrit Sharma
AFK Arena Logo with various characters in background facing each other.

AFK Arena features a wide range of Heroes, which, while providing variety, can also make team building a challenging task. Here’s an AFK Arena hero tier list that will help you pick the best teams for PvP, PvE, and boss battles.

Similar to Idle Heroes, AFK Arena is a popular idle RPG that doesn’t require its players to grind for hours. Instead, the developers say that you can easily fit it into your busy schedule and enjoy the content without any skill-based barriers.

Even though AFK Arena plays itself, getting the strongest characters is still important for players. This could be because players like to collect the best items in the game or because the end-game content in AFK Arena is very hard.

With this AFK Arena tier list, you will find out the best Hero for every combat challenge in the game.

Talene in AFK Arena.
Each character has its own unique abilities in AFK Arena.

AFK Arena tier list of best Heroes explained

Combat in AFK Arena can be PvE (player vs. environment), PvP (player vs. player), and a boss fight. A Hero might perform brilliantly against bosses but can be equally disappointing in PvE combat. Hence, we’ve compiled separate tier lists for PvE combat, PvP combat, and boss battles.

The Heroes placed in the S tier are the strongest while the ones placed in the D tier are the weakest.

Best AFK Arena Heroes for PvE combat

PvE content in AFK Arena includes the campaign, the King Tower, and other challenges where you fight enemies created by the game. Luckily, you’ll be primarily playing PvE content, and these characters with brilliant AoE damage will be useful most of the time.

SAinz, Lucretia, Raku, Grezhul, Rowan, Kren, Alna, Haelus
AMishka, Thoran, Daimon, Silas, Awakened Thane, Awakened Brutus, Audrae, Oden, Scarlet, Pippa, Albedo, Leonardo, Skriath, Raine, Kelthur, Khazard, Eiron, Desira, Canisa & Ruke, Zaphrael, Queen, Tasi, Vyloris, Astar, Gwyneth, Thesku
BMortas, Awakened Solise, Ferael, Awakened Baden, Rosaline, Lyca, Prince of Persia, Nevanthi, Awakened Talene, Merlin, Yennefer, Brutus, Framton, Eorin, Hodgkin, Fane, Mehira, Lorsan, Zolrath, Nara, Joker, Treznorm, Izold, Arthur, Ezio, Morrow, Nemora, Athalia, Oku, Ezizh, Respen, Flora, Skregs, Geralt, Gorvo
CMorael, Melusina, Saurus, Joan of Arc, Talene, Anasta, Awakened Ezizh, Orthros, Elijah and Lailah, Granit, Numisu, Safiya, Antandra, Alaro, Kalene, Thali, Tidas, Cecelia, Ukyo, Hendrik, Thane
DPeggy, Eluard, Titus, Sonja, Mezoth, Wu Kong, Zikis, Estrilda, Theowyn, Kaz, Vurk, Tarnos, Leofric, Belinda, Anoki, Baden, Drez, Khasos, Nakoruru, Solise, Satrana, Torne, Fawkes, Oscar, Shemira, Warek, Ulmus, Isabelle, Rigby, Seirus, Walker
AFK Arena characters collage.
In AFK Arena, you can check a hero’s class by viewing it in the “Heroes” tab.

Best AFK Arena Heroes for PvP combat

PvP content in AFK Arena includes every game mode where you face real players from around the world. Generally, the level of competition is higher in PvP battles and these are the Heroes you should use for the best results:

SElijah & Lailah, Melusina, Awakened Talene, Albedo, Athalia, Izold, Kelthur, Mezoth, Nara, Silas, Zaphrael, Zolrath, Belinda, Brutus, Estrilda, JOKER, Lucius, Satrana, Warek, Baden, Ukyo, Ainz, Raku, Rowan, Skriath, Thoran, Sonja, Mulan, Eorinn, Eironn, Ferael, Mulan, Rem, Awakened Athalia, Ginneas, Trishea
ACrassio, Palmer, Hendrik,Haelus, Treznor, Thesku, Arthur, Ezio, Ezizh, Framton, Gwyneth, Isabella, Leofric, Mehira, Nakoruru, Numisu, Oden, Orthros, Pippa, Prince of Persia, Tidus, Cecilia, Gorvo, Kren, Theowyn, Vurk, Hodgkin, Antandra, Lorsan, Peggy, Oscar, Ulmus, Alna Daimon Morrow, Yennefer, Geralt, Nevanthi, Awakened Belinda, Olgath, Edwin, Maetria, Angelo, Daemia, Safiya
BScarlet, Grezhul, Lyca, QUEEN, Rosaline, Safiya, Zikis, Respen, Kaz, Khasos, Thane, Salaki, Ivan the Bonesmith
CAstar, Mishka, Drez, Flora, Morael, Nemora, Saurus, Tasi, Titus, Wu Kong, Khazard, Thali, Anoki, Torne, Rigby, Walker, Desira, Mortos, Tarnos
DEluard, Fawkes, Skreg, Raine, Lucretia, Merlin, Shemira, Anasta, Solise, Seirus, Oku, Angelo, Niru, Ogi
AFK Arena characters fighting.
All heroes belong to a faction and are further distinguished with a Class, Type, and Role of their own.

Best AFK Arena Heroes for boss fights

Bosses are the toughest PvE enemies in AFK Arena and are infamous for being tanky and powerful. These include Kane, Demonic Entity, Ice Shemira, Dark Arden, and Burning Brute. These enemies are quite intimidating but these Heroes should make things easier:

SRowan, Elijah & Lailah, Awakened Talene, Pippa, Gorvo, Hodgkin, Ulmus, Morrow, Grezhul, Raine, Eironn, Solise, Albedo, Mezoth, Mulan, Palmer, Awakened Baden, Saurus, Kaz, Mulan, Edwin, Daemia, Trishea
ASilvina, Aina, Daimon, Eorin, Haelus, Astar, Mehira, Numisu, Orthros, Cecilia, Fawkes, Theowyn, QUEEN, Talene, Drez, Flora, Eluard, Lucretia, Athalia, Baden, Yennefer, Geralt, Leonardo, Crassio
BVedan, Veithael, Ferael, Audrae, Melusina, Treznor, Thesku, Framton, Arthur, Ezizh, Nakoruru, Prince of Persia, Kren, Antandra, Lorsan, Peggy, Alna, Respen, Morael, Nemora, Titus, Thali, Merlin, Izold, Zaphrael, Zolrath, Estrilda, Satrana, Ukyo, Ainz, Skriath, Thoran, Salaki, Awakened Belinda, Angelo
CNevanthi, Tasi, Scarlet, Mishka, Ezio, Gwyneth, Tidus, Vurk, Lyca, Safiya, Khasos, Thane, Wu Kong, Khazard, Torne, Desira, Kelthur, Brutus, JOKER, Shemira, Raku
DIsabella, Oscar, Rosaline, Anoki, Rigby, Walker, Mortas, Skreg, Silas, Leofric, Oden, Zikis, Seirus, Hendrik, Nara, Belinda, Lucius, Warek, Ankhira, Ogi, Niru

With this guide, you should be able to form a team of AFK Arena characters who can perform well in all situations. To further improve them, check out our AFK Arena tier list of the best Artifacts for every Hero.

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