Best Neutral Pals in Palworld: Tier list for all Neutral types
PocketpairThere are over a hundred Pals to catch and breed in Palworld, with Neutral types coming with some of the best work skills for the base. If you want to get the strongest Neutral Pals in Palworld, here’s our tier list, ranking all the Neutral types from best to worst.
You can add almost 140 Pals to your collection in Palworld, either by breeding or simply catching the wild creatures. These Pals have several skills based on their type or element, ranging from Fire, Water, Electric, Ground, Grass, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Neutral.
While every type is strong and weak against a particular type, Neutral Pals aren’t super effective against any particular element. However, one of the Legendary Pals is a Neutral type and they can help you with a ton of work, especially with gathering resources.
Whether you’re looking to get the strongest Neutral Pals in Palworld for combat purposes, or simply want to add them to your base, here’s our tier list, ranking every Neutral Pal from best to worst.
- Palworld Neutral Pals tier list
- Best Neutral type Pals in Palworld
- Palworld: Best Neutral Pals for base
Palworld Neutral Pals tier list
Paladius, Lunaris, and Fenglope are some of the best Neutral Pals in Palworld, and they also boast impressive stats, making them the strongest Neutral types in the game as well.
Here’s our tier list, ranking all the Neutral Pals from best to worst:
Tier | Neutral Pal |
S | Paladius, Lunaris, Fenglope |
A | Nitewing, Lovander, Gorirat |
B | Kingpaca, Grintale, Galeclaw, Eikthydeer, Mozzarina |
C | Ribbuny, Melpaca, Woolipop, Tocotoco, Direhowl |
D | Cremis, Chikipi, Vixy, Lamball, Cattiva |
It’s possible that your tier list might differ from ours as we’ve taken the regular versions of these Neutral Pals into consideration, with some factors like Work Suitability, and overall stats determining our picks.
Best Neutral type Pals in Palworld
5. Gorirat
- Paldeck: No. 049
- How to get:
- Easy to find everywhere in the Frostbound Mountains (central part of the map), except the snow-covered parts in this region.
- Breed any of the following pairs – Fuddler x Celaray, Rooby x Caprity, Woolipop x Melpaca, Rooby x Eikthyrdeer, Chikipi x Incineram, Teafant x Incineram, Woolipop x Dumud.
- Hatch Large Common Eggs.
- Partner Skill: Full power Gorilla Mode – When activated, unleashes a primal fury that increases Gorirat’s attack power.
- Work Suitability: Transporting (Lv. 3), Lumbering (Lv. 2), Handiwork (Lv. 1)
- Food: 3/10
- Possible Drops: Leather, Bone
- Skills: Sand Blast, Power Shot, Ground Pound, Stone Blast, Seed Machine Gun, Power Bomb, Pal Blast
Despite being a great help with Transporting, Gorirat tops our list of best Neutral Pals in Palworld, largely due to its average overall stats. However, there are a lot of ways you can find Gorirat, and it’s an impressive Pal to have in your collection, especially during the early game.
4. Lovander
- Paldeck: No. 069
- How to get:
- Lovander can be found during the night only in the breach area of the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant, and the entire desert region located at the Northeast part of the map.
- Breed any of the following pairs – Cattiva x Nitewing, Cremis x Mossanda, Cremis x Nitewing, Vixy x Mossanda, Lamball x Sweepa, Killamari x Incineram, Penking x Jolthog Cryst.
- Hatch Large Common Eggs.
- Partner Skill: Heart Drain – While fighting together, grants the player and Lovander the life steal effect which absorbs some of the received damage and restores HP.
- Work Suitability: Medicine Production (Lv. 2), Transporting (Lv. 2), Handiwork (Lv. 2), Mining (Lv. 1)
- Food: 5/10
- Possible Drops: Mushroom, Cake, Suspicious Juice, Strange Juice
- Skills: Power Shot, Poison Blast, Shadow Burst, Acid Rain, Power Bomb, Implode, Pal Blast
Lovander has one of the most unique descriptions for a Pal in Palworld, “Seeking a night of love”, and has a heart-shaped figure attached to the front of its body. It’s also capable of carrying out four different tasks and is among the few Pals who can provide life steal during combat.
3. Fenglope
- Paldeck: No. 093
- How to get:
- Easily found in the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary Island (Northeast corner), and volcanic regions (Southwest corner).
- Fenglope Alpha Boss can be found in the Falls Mineshaft and its entrance is around the coordinates (-249, -434).
- Breed any of the following pairs – Lifmunk x Penking, Direhowl x Melpaca, Penking x Vixy, Celaray x Gobfin, Lamball x Cinnamoth, Cattiva x Cinnamoth, Direhowl x Mozzarina
- Hatch Large Common Eggs.
- Partner Skill: Wind and Clouds – Can be ridden. Can double jump while mounted.
- Work Suitability: Lumbering (Lv. 2)
- Food: 6/10
- Possible Drops: Leather, Horn
- Skills: Air Cannon, Aqua Gun, Cloud Tempest, Acid Rain, Aqua Burst, Blizzard Spike, Pal Blast
Fenglope isn’t the best worker, only suitable for Lumbering, but has decent attack and defense stats for a Neutral type. There are several ways you can find Fenglope, and you can also mount it, enabling you to jump higher than the regular mounts, thanks to its double jump partner ability.
2. Lunaris
- Paldeck: No. 063
- How to get:
- Lunaris Alpha Boss can be found inside the Sealed Realm of the Esoteric, around the coordinates (-146, -660).
- Can be bought from a Black Marketeer.
- Breed any of the following pairs – Pengullet x Celaray, Fuack x Celaray, Fuack x Melpaca, Rooby x Direhowl, Celaray x Tocotoco, Killamari x Caprity, Tocotoco x Melpaca
- Hatch Large Common Eggs.
- Partner Skill: Antigravity – While in team, Lunaris manipulates gravity, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
- Work Suitability: Handiwork (Lv. 3), Transporting (Lv. 1), Gathering (Lv. 1)
- Food: 2/10
- Possible Drops: Paldium Fragment
- Skills: Air Cannon, Power Shot, Icicle Cutter, Plasma Tornado, Power Bomb, Blizzard Spike, Pal Blast
Lunaris is a great Pal to have in your party and it can manipulate gravity, allowing you to carry more materials to and from your base. Unlike the Pal that sits at the top of our best Neutral Pals tier list, you can add Lunaris to your collection in Palworld in the early to mid-game.
Keep in mind that Lunaris doesn’t have the best overall stats, so we recommend using Skill Fruits to teach it Dragon-type skills to counter its weakness against Dark-types.
1. Paladius
- Paldeck: No. 108
- How to get:
- Paladius Alpha Boss (Level 50) can be found around the coordinates (446, 681), in the desert in the Northeast region of the map. Keep in mind that Paladius is accompanied by another Legendary, Necromus and you will have to battle both of them.
- Partner Skill: Holy Knight of the Firmament – Can be ridden. Can triple jump while mounted.
- Work Suitability: Lumbering (Lv. 2), Mining (Lv. 2)
- Food: 9/10
- Possible Drops: Pal Metal Ingot, Diamond
- Skills: Power Shot, Ice Missile, Iceberg, Power Bomb, Blizzard Spike, Spear Thrust, Pal Blast
Paladius takes the crown in our list of best Neutral Pals in Palworld and is also the strongest Neutral type by far. It boasts some of the most impressive stats in the game as it’s one of the four Legendary Pals and can prove to be quite a challenge to catch.
This is largely due to Paladius roaming with another Legendary, Necromus, and both of them being Level 50 Alpha Bosses. You’ll also need to carry plenty of Legendary Spheres as its catch rate is quite low.
Palworld: Best Neutral Pals for base
Lunaris and Lovander are some of the best Neutral Pals for your base in Palworld. Both of these Neutral types can help you with a variety of tasks and aren’t difficult to catch. However, if you want to have a tanky or strong Neutral Pal at your base, then we suggest catching the Paladius Alpha Boss, as the Alpha Boss’ HP is almost double the regular one.
So there you have it! That covers our tier list for best Neutral Pals in Palworld. For more content on the game, be sure to give these a look:
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