The First Descendant players celebrate as devs announce Hard Dungeon matchmaking

Amitesh Dhar
Freyna in The First Descendant.

The Infiltration Operations Dungeons in The First Descendant are the only content in the game with no public matchmaking service. So the developers have announced a new hotfix to add the mission feature to this activity.

Every single activity in The First Descendant has a loot pool, and the difficulty on which you complete an activity will determine the drops that you get for completing the mission.

Playing Infiltration Operations on Hard mode improves the chances of you receiving better quality loot once you’ve finished the mission. Given that there was no matchmaking, players found it difficult to complete the activity solo, causing many to abandon the game the moment they hit this roadblock.

Following this feedback, the developers have announced on X that they were working on a hotfix that will add matchmaking for the Public Infiltration Operation on Hard mode.

Although the hotfix isn’t out yet, players are excited about this change and have already thanked the devs for listening to the community.

One player said, “Great change coming in from the team! Just keep listening to the community and you guys will have a hell of a game,” while another player added, “The communication you guys have with the community is amazing. [Thank you] everyone at Nexon once again.”

With public matchmaking coming to the endgame activities on Hard mode, players feel that the game will get an increased lifespan because they can now attempt more difficult activities without having to worry about forming a team before launching them.

They also believe that the decision to add matchmaking will bring back the players who had left when they realized that the system didn’t exist on Hard mode.

Although every single Descendant can be used across all the activities in The First Descendant, only the best characters like Bunny, Gley, and Jayber are the most effective irrespective of the difficulty on which you plan on attempting and completing the activity.