How to collect cat food for Fortnite Season 7 Epic Quests

Liam Mackay
Fortnite meowscles at dirty docks

Fortnite Season 7’s Week 3 Quests are here, and they task players with collecting cat food around the island. Here’s where to find cat food and how to collect it.

Epic Games offers Fortnite players a series of weekly Epic and Legendary Quests for a ton of bonus XP. We’re now in the third week of Season 7, and the accompanying challenges have arrived. As you complete these challenges, you’ll earn XP to quickly progress the Battle Pass and earn Battle Stars.

One of Season 7’s new NPCs, Joey, tasks players to “Collect cat food,” so here’s where you can find and collect it to earn 30,000 XP.

Fortnite Week 3 cat food locations

Fortnite Season 7 cat food locations

You’ll be able to find the cat food in Corny Complex, Retail Row, and Dirty Docks. There are two crates of cat food in each location, and you only need to collect two to complete the challenge. Once you know where to go, this makes it one of the easiest challenges in Fortnite Week 3.

Simply head to the following locations, walk up the crate of cat food and follow the prompt to interact to pick it up.

  1. Inside the main farmhouse in Corny Complex
  2. Near the shipping containers in Dirty Docks
  3. Also at the shipping containers in Dirty Docks
  4. Inside the supermarket at the north side of Retail Row
  5. Behind the supermarket at Retail Row

Fortnite Corny Complex cat food location

Fortnite corny complex cat food

Simply head to the main farmhouse in Corny Complex, take a left turn once inside, and you’ll find the cat food inside the kitchen. Press the interact button, and you’ll have collected the cat food.

Fortnite Retail Row cat food locations

Fortnite retail row cat food

In Retail Row, you’ll find the cat food around the supermarket on the north side. The first bundle can be found stacked up against the back wall.

The second box of cat food can be found at the back of the supermarket, by the metal shutters and truck.

Fortnite Dirty Docks cat food locations

Fortnite dirty docks cat food

Two crates of cat food can be found in the shipping containers on Dirty Docks’ southeast side. Simply search through the containers and you’ll quickly find the two bundles of cat food.

As players will be keen to finish this challenge quickly, expect these cat food locations to be extremely busy.

Also, check out where to place boomboxes and where to place welcome signs for the Week 3 challenges.

Image Credit: Epic Games