How to win more League Play games in Black Ops Cold War

Nicholas Sakadelis

Black Ops Cold War’s League Play has released, and players are grinding hard to reach the very top rank. Here’s how you can maximize your game time to result in a higher win percentage.

League Play is a competitive space made to imitate the same competitive environment as Call of Duty League professional players. While we may not have as many banned items or pre-set loadouts in the mode, we still have a highly competitive mode with player skill ranks.

Here are a few tips to get you working at your very best in League Play.

#1 – Party Up

Don’t want issues dealing with random players? Simple fix. Party-up with players who communicate and are similar in skill to yourself.

You won’t be able to take down a well-coordinated team unless you have one of your own. Trust us, you and your rank will thank you.

#2 – Play the Objective

Some may find this point stupidly obvious, however, we can’t emphasize this enough. The competitive playlist in Call of Duty isn’t Team Deathmatch. You can’t ignore objectives and only go for kills. You may think you’re that good, but you’re going to flip around spawns and ruin the game for your teammates who actually care about the win.

Next time you play Hardpoint, think before you flank the enemy and flip the spawns. Think ahead and try to get spawns for the next hardpoint, but don’t do that until after your team has had time to push the current one.

Playing Control? Don’t cost your team valuable respawns by doing the same push over and over again. For Search & Destroy, don’t push solo. A man down off-spawn makes it much more difficult for your team to win.

#3 – Use appropriate Loadouts

If you aren’t familiar with the word “meta,” you’ll quickly become familiar with it after seeing the same weapons used over and over again in League Play. Currently, the most popular weapons are the AK-74u, KRIG-6, and XM4.

You can read an entire article dedicated to the best meta loadouts to run in Black Ops Cold War’s League Play here.

#4 – Practice and improve

Not at the rank you think you deserve? Give the game a few more days to better place you in the proper skill division. If you’re still placed fairly low after a few weeks, it may be time for a reality check. We’re not saying you may be bad, we’re saying you might think you’re a bit better than you actually are.

Don’t fret! Try new loadouts, play differently, and above all – improve. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing progress.

Now squad up, learn the meta, and above all – play the objective. You’ll see your progress as a player as you continue your grind to be the best in the game.

Good luck out there!

Image Credit: Treyarch/Activision