Infinity Ward “on the fence” about whether or not CODCast mode will return in Ghosts

Keshav Bhat

Image above is from Black Ops 2. 

In a recent interview with Kotaku, Mark Rubin has stated that the studio is currently ‘on the fence’ regarding whether or not they plan on brining back Black Ops II’s iconic CODCast mode for eSports. However, Ghosts does have a Spectator mode from where casters can be able to watch and cast games.

It sounds like Ghosts‘ development team is on the fence about whether Black Ops II‘s shoutcaster mode will return, but Rubin said that Ghosts will include spectator modes that are ideal for watching competitive matches.

Infinity Ward has already confirmed that Ghosts will be part of the MLG Circuit in 2014, and in Call of Duty: Championship 2014.

SOURCE: Kotaku

About The Author

Keshav Bhat is the Co-Founder of, the world's largest Call of Duty news site. Based in Atlanta, Keshav also serves as the Head of Social Media for Dexerto network, running a network of over 10 million social followers. Keshav can be contacted for tips at [email protected]