What does Mending do in Minecraft?

Aakrit Sharma
Minecraft Mending enchantment

The need to unlock the Mending enchantment increases as you progress in Minecraft. It is unarguably one of the most valuable things in the game, and this guide will cover what it does.

Enchantments make Minecraft easier. They improve the quality of armor, tools, weapons, and books which is possibly the reason behind their rarity.

Among all enchantments in Minecraft, Mending is undoubtedly one of the toughest to get. The enchantment table only has a 1% chance of releasing it, and the alternative methods to find it are arduous, to say the least.

Here’s what Mending does in Minecraft and its significance during exploration.

Enchantment Table Minecraft

What is Mending in Minecraft and what does it do

In a nutshell, the Mending enchantment in Minecraft improves the durability of items through experience.

A wide range of tasks in Minecraft grant XP. These include killing mobs, mining, smelting, breeding animals, fishing, trading, and advancements.

Whenever a player gets an experience orb, the Mending achievement repairs an item at the rate of two durability/every EXP point in the orb. It is worth noting that an EXP point in the orb is deducted whenever Mending grants the two durability points to an item.

Obviously, you need to enchant the items with Mending to avail the aforementioned benefits. Moreover, they should be in the main hand, the offhand, or in any of the armor slots.

In case there are several enchanted items with Mending enabled, the enchantment randomly chooses an item and repairs it. This system is unaffected by the existing durability of the item and it does not pick fully repaired items for obvious reasons.

Item durability Minecraft

Why is Mending so important in Minecraft?

Minecraft replicates real life in several aspects. Accordingly, every in-game item ranging from tools to weapons has a fixed life span. This applies to the most valuable and rarest inventory items as well, and Mending helps them to remain functional for a longer period.

Another reason why Mending is desirable is its compatibility. With the exception of Infinity which is a bow enchantment, Mending is compatible with every enchantment and can be put on everything. This is certainly better than the incompatibility between Smite and Sharpness which often puts players in a tough spot.

How to get the Mending enchantment in Minecraft

As mentioned above, one should not expect unlocking Mending from the enchantment table (in the Java edition) because the odds are really low. This leaves you with fishing and villager trading which demand a ton of effort.

There’s a trick that requires you to trap a Librarian villager with lectern blocks. Upon breaking and replacing these blocks, the Librarian turns into a villager and regains his Librarian job. This basically alters the Librarian’s trades and you have to repeatedly perform the blocks trick till he offers Mending.

Minecraft Librarian villager

As soon as the Librarian offers Mending, exchange paper for Emeralds and lock him to that trade.

All in all, unlocking Mending in Minecraft is certainly worth the effort and it can make your journey easier. Another mechanic that eases things is horse riding, and here’s a guide on taming Horses in Minecraft.

Image Credits: Mojang

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