Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2 Open PS4 Alpha Day 2 Recap

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has posted on Reddit a recap of some of the fixes that are now live for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2 Alpha on PS4, a list of what the feedback that they are aware of, alongside a preview of some new content coming this weekend as the Alpha continues.

The studio has confirmed that the Stack map for the Gunfight mode is on the way this weekend, alongside some variations of the 2v2 mode to bring new play styles and weapon choices.

From Infinity Ward:

We’re only on day two of the 2v2 Gunfight Open Alpha on PS4 and the response we’ve received from you, the community, has been incredible. Your feedback and suggestions are being heard by everyone at the studio, so thank you and please keep them coming!

And let’s not forget that Gunfight is only a small slice of what our Multiplayer experience has to offer, so every Tweet, comment, post, and video you make helps us make the game that much better as we march towards the Multiplayer Beta coming in September.

Now, back to the Alpha. We know there’s been some confusion around whether or not you’ll need to preorder the game or have PlayStation Plus in order to download and play in the Alpha. To answer simply, nope! The 2v2 Gunfight Alpha is FREE and open to anyone who owns a PlayStation, no strings attached!

With that, we’re excited to share several updates based on your valuable feedback and bug reporting, so let’s jump in with some fixes and new content we’re adding to the game TODAY.

Fixes That Are Currently Live:

  • Docks: A new 2v2 map is now in rotation! When we pushed the playlist update live earlier today, players were unable to connect to online services as a result. As of now, connection issues should be recovering, so thank you all for your patience as we worked through this.
  • M19 Pistol: Damage increased at longer ranges (now a minimum 5 shot kill instead of 6)
  • Improved Idle Player Handling (AFK): If at the end of a match you have not touched your controller within two rounds, you’ll be removed from matchmaking.
  • Improved matchmaking for solo microphone users – you’re now much more likely to find a teammate with a microphone.

Feedback We’re Working On:

This doesn’t begin to cover all of the feedback you’ve sent us of course, but here are some updates on a few we’ve frequently been seeing.

  • Settings not saving in the options menu: This can be resolved by making sure you aren’t logged in with multiple PSN accounts or profiles.
  • Audio Mix: While in the Audio tab of the Settings menu, you can set your mix preset and adjust some basic volume tuners. We recommend using Headphone 1, TV1, or Infinity Ward Mix for the best experience.
  • Player and Enemy Footsteps: Audio for first-person footsteps has been lowered and falloff audio for enemy footsteps has been raised. You’ll hear these changes in the upcoming Beta.
  • Look Sensitivity: The default setting is currently set at Medium 3. Make sure you jump into your settings and adjust your sensitivity to fit your playstyle before heading into a match.
  • Enemy Nameplate Visibility: We’ve seen a lot of comments about how the enemy nameplate is sometimes visible behind cover and can make shooting at long distances a bit distracting. This is something we’re keeping an eye on and will continue to monitor as we move towards Beta.
  • Black and White Screen At Low Health: In Gunfight, you only have one life and no health regeneration. If you’ve been hit and are at less than 25 health, your screen will flash black and white to visually show you that your life could end fairly quickly with another blow.
  • “Proper English Welcome!” : This dialogue is currently playing too frequently at the beginning of each match. We’ll be tuning this to happen less often during the Beta.
  • Keyboard and Mouse Settings: These settings are not fully fleshed out in the Alpha. You’ll have more options, including key binding, when we hit the Beta in September.
  • Matchmaking and Faction Names Are Barely Visible: While in matchmaking, the text for “Searching for a Match” along with both Faction names are barely visible in the lobby. These will be easier to read in the Beta.
  • Scopes on Shotguns: They can be pretty powerful, especially from across the map. The one you’re playing with in Gunfight, the 725, is a longer barrel shotgun with a tighter shot pattern. We’ll update the text in the loadout menu to reflect that it has a much longer range than a regular shotgun.


We aren’t done yet! As we roll into the weekend, we’ll be adding yet another new map and a Gunfight variant into the rotation!


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2v2 “Pickup” Variant

The rules are the same, but this time you’ll only spawn with a pistol. Weapons, lethals, and tacticals are randomly spread in the map, so you’ll need to pickup your loadout as you fight to stay alive!

Again, THANK YOU. We’re thankful to have a community that is so passionate about what we’re doing, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have you with us every step of the way. We’ll continue to update you with known bugs and planned fixes each day during the Alpha, so please be sure to check back for more information and follow us on Twitter, @InfinityWard, where we’ll be sharing your best clips, answering questions, and more.

SOURCE: Reddit