Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Early Access PS4 Beta – Day 1 Recap

Keshav Bhat

Day 1 of the Early Access PlayStation 4 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta is wrapping up, and Infinity Ward has shared on Reddit a recap of the day, including what they’re looking into after Day 1 and more.

The studio is looking at the feedback from the fans on the no mini-map situation, working to fix a lot of the bugs including the Parties having to be disbanded, and a look at what’s coming during Day 2 of the Modern Warfare Beta on PS4.


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It’s been an incredible first day of the Beta and we couldn’t do any of this without you, our community. Beta testing is so helpful to us as developers. Sometimes you all find bugs we haven’t run into yet, provide suggestions that spark ideas within various teams across the studio, and of course…seeing you Nuke a lobby will never get old! As we head into the weekend, we want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has been playing today and who plans on joining over the weekend. We’re here, reading and listening to your feedback, so keep it coming!

Let’s take a look at what’s to come!

Feedback We’re Looking Into:

We’re reading all of your feedback across social media, so even if you don’t see your issue listed below, please know that we’re tracking everything. Below are some issues and feedback we’re seeing…

  • Partying Up: After completing a match as a party, some players are unable to find a new match and are stuck in the matchmaking lobby. We’re still looking into this issue, but in the meantime, disbanding your party and joining back up is a temporary solution while we work on a fix.
  • Unable to connect to online services: This is currently being investigated. If you are still running into this issue, please feel free to PM me your PSNID (if you aren’t comfortable posting it in a thread) so we can take a deeper look. This will be helpful as we work on a solution.
  • Connecting your PSNID to your account/Display name in-game: Please check this link provided by Activision Support if you’re having issues with connecting accounts or would like to adjust your display name. You can learn how to do this here:
  • Hearing enemy footsteps, team footsteps, and your own: Tell us how you’re listening to the game. You can be specific by telling us some of the following information: What type of heaphones are you using? Speakers? Monitor? TV? What preset are you currently using? Are you plugged in directly to the controller? This information can help us narrow down what you’re hearing and help us look further into any issues.
  • Calling Cards using wrong name and/or flag description: The description for the flag of Colombia currently says “Columbia.” The Slovakian flag is currently labeled Croatia. Both of these will be fixed during weekend two of the Beta.
  • Players are able to clip into a table on Grazna Raid: A fix for this has already been completed and will be implemented as soon as possible.
  • Level Cap displaying a higher level than 10: Right now, the level cap is set to 10. Some players are seeing their level cap display 11 or higher. This is a visual bug and will be fixed in weekend two.
  • Graphical corruption on the matchmaking screen: Some players experienced graphical corruption errors while in matchmaking, resulting in the screen appearing black, green, or yellow. This will be fixed in weekend two of the Beta.
  • Spawns: You all have provided tons of feedback and videos of spawns needing some attention. We see it on our end too as we play with you all online, so we’re looking into the current spawn system and will continue to monitor as we go through the weekend.

Okay….let’s talk about minimap.

We hear you loud and clear. Along with your feedback and the data we’re continuously collecting, we’ll be experimenting internally with a few different options and will keep you updated if we make any changes that you might see during the Beta. This is an ongoing conversation with all of you, so again, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this topic and we’ll update you again when we have more information to share.


In addition to what you played today, tomorrow, you’re going to get your hands on a new 6v6 map, Gun Runner. We’re also swapping in a new mode in the featured playlist, Cyber Attack! Check back tomorrow for more info on Day Two and again, thank you so much for playing and we’ll see you online!

SOURCE: Reddit