Modern Warfare Beta – Updates Coming for Weekend 2 and Launch

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has posted to Reddit an update on a lot of the feedback they’ve received and some of what they’ve fixed going into Beta Weekend 2 and launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Updates on Feedback from Weekend One:

  • Connecting your PSNID to your account/Display name in-game: Please check this link provided by Activision Support if you’re having issues with connecting accounts or would like to adjust your display name. You can learn how to do this here:
  • Hearing enemy footsteps, team footsteps, and your own: We have a blog that goes through all of the audio presets and helps you select the best option for you! We’ll be making some additional adjustments before launch as well!
  • Calling Cards using wrong name and/or flag description: The description for the flag of Colombia currently says “Columbia.” This will be fixed by launch. The Slovakian flag is currently labeled Croatia. This is fixed for weekend two.
  • Level Cap displaying a higher level than 10: Previously, the level cap was set to 10. Some players are seeing their level cap display 11 or higher. This is a visual bug and will be fixed in weekend two. This is fixed for weekend two.
  • Graphical corruption on the matchmaking screen: Some players experienced graphical corruption errors while in matchmaking, resulting in the screen appearing black, green, or yellow. This has been fixed for weekend two.
  • Cruise Missile: The camera will remain static on the initial deployment scene and not properly display the map and enemy targets below. Once having control of the missile, it can become hard to control. This has been fixed for weekend two.
  • Clipping through vehicles and Deployable Cover: Character models are currently clipping through vehicles used during the infil sequence and in some cases, when using the Deployable Cover Field Upgrade. This has been fixed for weekend two.
  • Semtex Grenade: When stuck to a door, the Semtex grenade will not explode and the grenade icon will remain on screen. This has been fixed for weekend two.
  • Smoke effect on weapons: The smoke effect after firing a weapon is currently not displaying in-game. This will be fixed by launch.
  • Players unable to move in certain locations: We’ve seen a few cases where players are getting stuck in their position and are unable to move around the map. We’re currently investigating this.
  • Weapon Attachments: In some cases, weapon attachments are not unlocking after reaching the required level. This is being investigated.
  • Doors: We’ve read your comments about doors; how they open, how loud they can be, and how they interact with you if they’re already open. We’ll be monitoring how you interact with them throughout the weekend and during weekend two.
  • Spawning and Visuals: Spawning is currently inconsistent on some maps, so thank you for sharing your videos with us and sharing your feedback. We’ll continue to monitor the spawn system and we’ll update you if we deploy any changes. We will also be looking into lighting and exposure on various areas of the map, such as how you view dark rooms from the outside of a building and vice versa, for example.
  • Minimap: We turned on a version of the minimap that doesn’t display enemy fire. We’ve been reading through your comments not only about the map itself, but also the compass and other UI elements on screen. Reading your feedback has brought up some very insightful conversations here at the studio, so again, thank you. We’ll continue to monitor throughout weekend two.
  • Recon Drone: There are two noted issues with this Killstreak. One: UI elements remain on the players screen after using the Drone. Second: Thermal function on the Drone causes the map below to become discolored. This is currently being investigated.
  • Weapons clipping through the Operator Character Model: On occasion, the AUG will clip through the arm of an Operator when viewing in the matchmaking or Operator selection screen. This will be fixed by launch.

As a reminder, here’s the schedule for Weekend 2 of the Beta for Modern Warfare:

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SOURCE: Infinity Ward