Activision EXTENDS current MW3 Elite Premium Memberships
We’ve just received an email from the teams at Activison and Beachhead Studio informing us that our Elite Premium membership for MW3 will be extended till March 1st, 2013.
We don’t know yet if this applies to everyone, or just people who bought it last year in the November/December timeframe. Activision did promise the founders one extra month, and now it appears they are giving 3 extra months of service.
In the email they noted that memberships will be extended “November 8th between 7am and 1am EST” and during that timeframe, we may have troubles access ELITE. Also important: your PSN/XBL service list will not reflect these changes, but the extension will occur.
Once March 1st comes around, your premium status in MW3 will end -meaning your score in MW3 Ops/Challenges will not count; you cannot watch MW3 ELITE TV content; your vault looses slots, etc.
ELITE is FREE for Black Ops 2, meaning this premium extension has nothing to do with Elite and Black Ops 2 integration.