BREAKING NEWS: Robert Bowling (Fourzerotwo) Leaves Infinity Ward & Activision


Today’s a sad day for Call of Duty Fans around the globe. Infinity Ward’s “Creative Strategist” Robert Bowling has just resigned from Infinity Ward and also Activision.

No word yet on why or where he is going, all we know is that he’ll be missed. To be clear this came as a complete shock to us and most of the community, all we hope is that he’s stays within the gaming community.

The official Infinity Ward (@InfinityWard) Twitter account has confirmed that we should follow them for the latest MW3 updates.

UPDATE: Activision has issued a statement, “We sincerely thank Robert for his many years of service. He’s been a trusted and valued member of the Infinity Ward team. We wish him all the best on his decision to pursue future opportunities.” (via Joystiq)

What fans on Twitter are saying:
@kristen_lanae -It’s sad to see such an influential leader of the CoD series go but I cant wait to see what Robert does in the future!
@Chi_TownSpan -Feel bad for @fourzerotwo Got so much hatethat he didnt deserve,wish him all of the best in his future & thanks 4 the memories
@Incoguido -sad. He’s provided us with information on everything since CoD 4. Just hope he knows how appreciated he is! He will be missed.
@CAMP_liKE_OSAMA -I think @fourzerotwo departure was sad and the cod community will never be the same without him,and his great statiegies R.I.P
@UnrealShot -I’m sad, but he made Call Of Duty what it is today. I wish he stayed, but I thank him for everything he did for this community
@RustDude -sad to see him go. Great leader for the cod franchise. Keep it up big got for your next job!


If we hear anything new then we will let you know..

SOURCE: Twitter