Call of Duty: Ghosts clan features revealed
Activision today announced the details about how Call of Duty clans will work with Ghosts.
First and foremost, you can have one clan with players from Xbox, PlayStation and PC. Each clan can only hold up to 100 members and you can only be in one clan at a time. You can start to register your clan for Xbox and PlayStation from today. PC registration will open up on the game’s launch on November 5th. Wii U is not supported as part of this feature set.
You can also use the new Call of Duty app which will be available for free starting Nov. 5 on iOS, Android and Windows Phone for free to communicate and manage your clans. The app will work on iOS tablets and phones, Android phones only, and Windows 8 phones and tablets. You can change clans anytime you want and play in clan wars as well. Clan Wars is a new meta game coming with Ghosts that lets you play against other clans to rank up your clan.
You must register for your clan before Oct. 25th.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Early Clan Registration is available right now.
If you’re currently a Call of Duty Elite Clan Leader, you can reserve your existing Elite Clan Name as your new Call of Duty: Ghosts Clan Name, and transfer your roster…assuming someone else doesn’t have the same name on the other console network and beats you to it. Clan Names are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis, so it’s in your best interest to reserve your Call of Duty: Ghosts Clan Name sooner rather than later. The Call of Duty: Ghosts Early Clan Registration starts today and goes through October, 25, 2013, and you can take care of it here.
There’s a huge FAQ about how everything will work available here.
SOURCE: OneofSwords