Hot Fix Coming Today: Weapon Rebalancing
Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling has just announced that Modern Warfare 3 will be getting a “Hot Fix” (minor update) later today which will rebalance some weapons in the game:
Hot Fix Updates (Releasing Today 12/12/11):
-Fire rate normalization for Assault -Rifles with undermounts
-FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf)
-Akimbo FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf)
-Fix for Shotgun’s with Extended Mags (Prevents them from shooting more pellets than intended)
-Type95 Re-balancing (Nerf) – Reduce hipspread.
-Fix for ACR with Red Dot / Shotgun
-Fix Type 95 bug related to dropping it.
-Fix map exploits on Dome
-SOURCE: FourZeroTwo