How to get Fortnite’s new double-movement

Hamza Khalid
Double movement in Fortnite

Epic Games have gotten rid of the double-movement keybinds for Fortnite, but you can still make use of a third-party software to achieve the same function in the game.

One major advantage to playing Fortnite with a controller is that the joystick makes it much easier for you to strafe in one direction while looking elsewhere. Playing with a keyboard and mouse restricts your movement to four directions; front, back, left, or right.

This limitation can be frustrating, as it keeps you from being able to full-sprint while minding your surroundings. A few players used “double movement” keybinds to get around this until Epic Games removed them.

Fortnite Season 6

As the name implies, these would allow you to bind one of your movement inputs to two keys, so that you could achieve “controller movement.” Epic Games then banned this practice in-game by limiting movement input mapping to a single key.

However, Fortnite streamer BenjyFishy revealed to his followers that he used ReWASD and Keys2xInput to get around this issue, as Epic can’t ban them. He made sure to check with devs before adding it to his gameplay.

This implies that he got permission to use it, and you can also take advantage of it to get double movement when playing with a mouse and keyboard.

You can get a free trial of ReWASD, but will then have to pay for it each month after the trial ends. However, Keys2xInput is completely free, and will likely be the first choice for anyone who wants to try double-movement for the first time.

YouTuber itsJerian made an insightful video tutorial on how to set up these two programs, so you can check that one out for details about getting them to work.

While using third-party software for double-movement can seem tricky, it’s not as messy as it sounds. These programs simply emulate an ability that controller players already have, so that you can use it on your mouse and keyboard.

So far, Epic Games haven’t chimed in on this matter, and we don’t know for sure whether or not they plan to take action against this, but things look fine at the moment.

Players like BenjyFishy have contacts at Epic, so it’s likely that they were given the green light to use these programs, and you can try them out too.

Image Credit: Epic Games