Introducing our newest (5th blog)…
We are proud to announce our newest blog dedicated to Respawn’s new FPS, TitanFall! After seeing the game in action at E3, we were completely blown away. We promise to bring you all the breaking news in regards to TitanFall over at our new blog,
We had a chance to see a live demo of TitanFall behind closed doors and we’re happy to tell you that the action and fast paced gameplay matches everything you’ve seen in the trailer. It’s definitely a game you should keep on your radar if you’re a fan of fast paced shooters and/or of Respawn which has several developers that worked on past Call of Duty titles.
Now would be a good time to let you know that we’ll also by covering Ubisoft’s just announced next-gen title “The Division” over at our Tom Clancy blog,