PSA: Increased number of fake MW4 posters circulating
We’re just as excited as you guys. There’s a good chance that the next Call of Duty will be revealed in the next 30-60 days. So feel free to be on guard for leaks but make sure to use good judgement.
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The past few weeks our Twitter and email accounts has been slammed with “MW4 Poster Leaked, look!!”. Imagine our disappointment every time we opened the picture and saw a crappy photoshop image of MW4. So far, we havent seen anything on the web credible for MW4, CoD 2013 or whatever you want to call it…
Here are some tips to detect fakes:
-It shouldnt be blurry.
-It shouldnt be a partial image.
-It shouldnt look identical to last year’s Black Ops 2 poster.
-It shouldnt have a mysterious black border around it.
-It shouldnt include old or previous Call of Duty marketing images.
If I was a betting man, I’d bet that all of these images are from the same person. While some images made us look twice (), most were obvious fakes taken with the shittiest camera on the planet while being chased by a lion in the factory that prints them. All it takes is a couple retweets and YouTube videos for it to spread.
The next Call of Duty reveal is almost here:
For those counting the days and wondering when we might see something new, take a look at these previous dates and rumors:
March 25: GDC Game Developors Conference ()
April 26: Rumored Xbox 720 reveal ()
Last Year:
April 18 2012: Gamestop Employee leaks BO2 teaser poster that had the pre-order date May 2nd.
April 23 2012: Activision announced the next CoD will be revealed on May 1st.
May 1 2012: Black Ops 2 was revealed