REVIEW: Liberation and Piazza Content Drops 1 & 2
If you’re on Twitter, then chances are you’ve heard of TwoToeTimmy. Rumor is he only has 2 toes and a deep passion for Call of Duty and it’s community. Here’s what he has to say about Content Drops 1 & 2. And dont forget to leave a comment if you agree (or disagree) with his views..
Elite Drop 1: Liberation Map
Liberation looks exactly like what you would imagine Central Park, New York City, looks on a cool autumn day right after it’s been invaded by the Russian Army. Military vehicles and communication towers are sprinkled around to provide cover while stone bridges covered by a blanket of reddish brown foliage provide passage for ghillied up snipers.
Make no mistake of it, this map is for Snipers. I’m not talking about the hybrid Akimbo FMG Snipers either, this is for the hide behind bushes and wait for anything to move type Snipers. This map is huge yet somehow all the action is in the middle. For the most part the action is slow paced on the perimeter and more chaotic in the center. Running from cover to cover with an assault rifle works well to surprise campy snipers hiding like Easter eggs behind every bush, rock, wall, river bank, or archway. Ultimately this map will become a haven for those who want to test their sniper skills. I would relate it to CliffSide (Hazard) or even Bog to an extent. Unfortunately the versatility of this map is not there as it’s completely unadvisable to play this map with a SMG or shotgun. Liberation is an excellent map for Snipers yet ultimately avoidable in a standard map rotation.
Grade: 2/5
Elite Drop 2: Piazza Map
Piazza is a bright seaside Italian village untouched by the war. Aged marble tile street signs point you toward meticulously crafted mosaic patterned steps. Mysterious pathways will guide you to a plaza waiting for a casual afternoon lunch party. Fountain gardens and faded murals give hints of a time when one could enjoy La Bella Vita. Casually placed bottles of wine are scattered throughout this beautiful getaway from the hurried life society has imposed on us. It also makes for a spectacular place to go buck wild and run and gun like crazy.
Piazza will keep your head on a swivel and test your thumb dexterity. You’ll look up, down, left, right, and backwards as the fast paced action stays on a continuous tempo. Sure you could be the guy that orders a Coke at a Martini bar and camp behind a car the whole time but embracing the bedlam is far more exhilarating.
Tight staircases and twisting roads lead you into corners that will always keep you on your toes. This is a very well designed map as it rewards movement and almost encourages you to take a circular path around the map. I can’t think of another Call of Duty map that offers this combination of lateral and vertical movement. Piazza is a great addition to the history of COD maps and will eventually go down as one of the fan favorites.
Grade: 5/5
For premium subscription Elite members these maps are well worth the roughly $2.50 cost per map. Whether you like stalking your opponent from afar or prefer to run them down in blazing fury, the combination of these two maps offer something for everyone. Modern Warfare didn’t knock it out of the park, however they provided good value on the first content drop.
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