Round-up of @InfinityWard Dev’s tweets for MW3
Here is a round-up of @Teanah, @candyslexia, & @IWMarkRubin ‘s latest tweets:
- U-Turn and Vortex are counting as one content drop, drop #14.
- Intersection is drop 15; Arctic Recon is #13.
- Content Calendar will be updated tomorrow [June 19th]
- There is supposed to be a BTS trailer for June’s DLC
- YY was actually a bug. Thats why it didn’t return
- Currently shooting for a Thursday release for PC for Face-off
- “We’re newly taking over the PR now that 402 is gone. So work in progress right now.”
- No more face-off maps coming
- Rest of MP drops are going to be MP Maps
- Still working on getting Terminal to be released. It won’t be a regular drop. Probably a free one.
- Rush and Shipment on their wish list
- Wants to bring at least one old map back
- No MP Maps were ready for June DLC
- He is pissed off at the Content Calendar misleading by having ‘Classified’ drops.
- Mark is working on getting ATVI to make Content Calendar more informative
- Still needs more time to start looking into playlist updates
- Looking into weapon balance passes in the next few weeks
- No ETA for Spawn Updates
- Release date for Face-off on PC should be coming this week, not confirmed though
- Terminal [MW2 map] is ready to launch for MW3, but needs to be approved by ATVI. They are still ‘on the fence’ with it.
- He’ll see if it is possible to bring Face-off Maps to Survival Mode. NO promises
- Lag Comp issues: “guys working on it feel they made some good progress recently. They are still hammering away at it”
SOURCE: @IWMarkRubin – @Teanah – @candyslexia