Players can now use kill streaks as passengers on vehicles in Warzone

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward and Raven Software have made another update to Call of Duty: Warzone that some fans have been asking for in-game.

The new tweak now allows players to use kill streaks will they’re passengers in a vehicle — riding in the ATV, Car, or armored truck.

Raven Software dev Amos Hodge announced this info on Twitter today:

Beyond this, the studios plan to make another playlist update to Warzone on April 16 bringing back standard BR Trios to the rotation.

As always, stay tuned for the latest news on Warzone.

About The Author

Keshav Bhat is the Co-Founder of, the world's largest Call of Duty news site. Based in Atlanta, Keshav also serves as the Head of Social Media for Dexerto network, running a network of over 10 million social followers. Keshav can be contacted for tips at [email protected]