Poll: What’s Your Least Favorite Named Location in Blackout?

Tommi Turunen

Most of the time in our polls, we ask you about your favorite “something.” Favorite weapons, favorite maps, favorites modes. This time around, however, we’re gonna flip that on its head.

We want to know your LEAST favorite named Blackout location. There are currently 15 named location in Blackout (more may be coming in Tuesday’s Operation Heist patch, tune in Monday, February 18th at 12PM PST/3PM EST for more info). Each has its charm. Some are great places to lay low while others are excellent landing positions.

There are also some named spots that simply don’t work so well due to map orientation and closing circle as well as available loot. We won’t name any names since we don’t want to…jack up the results.

We want to know what you think. Which one of the 15 is your LEAST favorite? Vote in the ranked list below and then head over to the comments or Twitter at @CharlieIntel to tell us why you voted the way you did.