Respawn confirm fix for frustrating Apex Legends Xbox input delay

Joseph Pascoulis
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Xbox players have been experiencing some pretty awful input delay issues for Apex Legends, as Respawn finally address the problem.

Apex Legends Season 13 has been an eventful season for Xbox players. Not only was there a severe exploit that allowed Xbox players to completely crash servers, subsequently ruining ranked matches, but now there is another issue.

Ever since the Apex Legends 13.1 patch, Apex Legends players on Xbox have been complaining about input delay which is making the game unplayable.

Respawn have now addressed the complaints, mentioning the issue in a Twitter post on June 27.

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Xbox players have had their experience plagued by input delay issues ever since the Apex Legends 13.1 patch, which is a shame as it has hindered the experience of the Awakening Collection Event and return of Control.

Although it isn’t affecting all players on Xbox, it’s extremely frustrating for those who are experiencing the issue, as the input delay puts the players at such a disadvantage that it isn’t even worth playing.

The devs originally addressed the issue on June 22, tweeting that they were “still working on a fix.” Despite this, players have still been experiencing the issue, wondering when exactly this fix will be coming.

Now, on Jun 27, Respawn Entertainment chimed in and put another tweet out to let Xbox players know that a fix is still being worked on for this issue.

The devs state that they are “continuing to investigate” the input delay issue, but do not give the community an idea of when a fix will be coming. This suggests that the issue has been difficult to solve.

It’s unclear when this problem will be resolved, but hopefully, the devs can get it fixed as soon as possible, especially as the halfway split for Season 13 is set for June 28.

For updates, stay tuned as we will be refreshing this piece with the latest information. For now, check out the leaked Apex Legends Gaiden event.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment