EA confirms Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is coming to PS4 & Xbox One

Nathan Warby
Cal wall running in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Following the success of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on current-gen consoles, EA have confirmed that a PS4 and Xbox One version is in the works.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was one of the biggest games of 2023 when it launched back in April. Millions of players hopped in to see how Cal’s battle against the Empire would play out, visiting memorable planets and meeting plenty of quirky characters along the way.

However, those on PS4 and Xbox One missed out on the Mantis crew’s latest adventure, as the follow-up to 2019’s Fallen Order was released exclusively on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

That’s all set to change though, as EA have confirmed that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at a later date.

In the publisher’s Q1 2024 earnings call, EA Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Wilson, revealed: “Thanks to the strength of this legendary franchise and community demand, our development team has committed to bringing this Jedi experience to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.”

While there was no mention of when the last-gen port will arrive, Wilson did mention that should be in “the coming year” as the team look to “drive continued engagement for this incredible game.”

Cal Kestis looking at cantina in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will get a new lease of life on last-gen consoles.

EA were clearly happy with the way that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor sold despite not releasing on all consoles at once. Chief Financial Officer, Stuart Canfield, called the game a “critical success with performance in line with our expectations.”

Later in the call, Andrew Wilson also said that he would “love” to see the Star Wars Jedi franchise grow even bigger after Survivor drops on PS4 and Xbox One, hinting at possible sequels.

He said: “Our sense based on the feedback that we’re getting from our community and the quality of that product, it’s one of the great beats in the Star Wars Galaxy this year and will likely continue to be a very meaningful part of that Galaxy for many years to come.”

So, while there is currently no Star Wars Jedi: Survivor release date on PS4 and Xbox One, it seems that EA are committed to doubling down on the popular franchise in the years to come.

For more on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, be sure to check out the best skills to unlock, as well as how many chapters there are in the main story.