Starfield players claim “the real game” begins in New Game+

Starfield is a galaxy of possibilities, and many players have lost themselves while completing the myriad of secondary activities the game has to offer. Some players are claiming that Starfield is at its best in New Game+ mode. Spoilers ahead.
Starfield is a game that allows you to live countless adventures while exploring space. However, Starfield offers so much to do, that it is impossible to see it all in just one playthrough.
Some players are claiming that fans should focus on the main story quests and move quickly to the New Game+ portion of Starfield, as they claim “the real game” begins when you complete it for the first time.
Once you finish the main quest line in Starfield and start all over in the New Game+ mode, you get access to a second playthrough that lets you keep all the skills you gained.
Starfield offers an incredible and vast experience, and according to the renowned game journalist Greg Miller: “You should role-play and not just try to do everything on your first playthrough — unless that’s who you’re role-playing as. Lol.”
Another player commented on the X post, echoing that same opinion: “Agreed. Amazing sci-fi story and even better gaming mechanic. On my NG+ now and doing faction missions for the first time.”
However, not all players agree that the game should be rushed and completed in one go to unlock the New Game+ mode. Some players considered it “a waste to have waited so long for the game to launch to just rush it.”
Another player seemed to be against rushing through the experience: “Imo that’s not a good review. Bethesda games are good because of their focus on side content. Like telling people to focus on the main quest sounds like a pretty glaring issue.”
It makes sense that a game without a level cap has a New Game+ option to offer replayability to players, but whether you want to rush it to unlock said content is entirely up to you.
If you are still struggling to find the right choices for your characters in Starfield, we suggest you take a look at our Backgrounds guide, and if you are wondering how to lockpick containers, here’s all you need to know.