Warzone 2 expert claims overlooked weapon outshines RPK as best LMG

Luca Di Marzo
Warzone 2 Sakin MG38 LMG

FaZe’s Ean ‘Booya’ Chase has revealed his pick for the best LMG in Warzone 2 and it’s not the popular RPK.

Warzone 2 players have a ton of new weapons to discover as they journey across Al Mazrah. LMGs have always been a popular choice when it comes to the Call of Duty battle royale and as the Warzone 2 meta developed, it seemed like the RPK would take the top spot.

Luckily, nothing is set in stone, and it’s still early days for Warzone 2 enthusiasts enjoying everything that Season 1 has to offer. As the meta continues to develop, top players like FaZe Booya will continue to share their thoughts on the best weapons in the game.

Booya already gave his opinion on the Signal 50 being the best Sniper in Warzone 2 and now he’s crowned the Sakin MG38 as the best LMG in the game. This may come as surprise to players seeing as the Sakin MG38 has a pick rate of 0.42%, which pales in comparison to the RPK pick rate of 4.79%.

With the Sakin MG38 proving to be an overlooked option, the upcoming Double XP event in Warzone 2 will be the perfect opportunity to level up the LMG. Of course, that is if Double Weapon XP is involved in the event.

FaZe Booya’s Warzone 2 Sakin MG38 loadout

  • Barrel: 20″ Bruen Silver Series Barrel
  • Muzzle: ZLR Talon 5
  • Optic: SZ Recharge-DX
  • Underbarrel: Phase-3 Grip
  • Rear Grip: Bruen G305 Grip Wrap

Booya explains that this “low recoil, high damage LMG” is ideal for Al Mazrah, backing up the claims of “#1 LMG class” in the title of his video. The one downside of the Sakin MG38 is standard across most LMGs, which is the slow reload.

Interestingly enough, Booya does not opt for a Perk Package with Fast Hands to speed up the reload. Nonetheless, we think you should experiment with it, especially if the slow reload is hampering your gameplay.

The Sakin MG38 shoots incredibly straight thanks to the Bruen G305 Grip Wrap, 20″ Bruen Silver Series Barrel, and Phase-3 Grip. Even the ZLR Talon 5 Muzzle provides some recoil smoothness. Meanwhile, the SZ Recharge-DX is Booya’s meta long-range Optic pick in Warzone 2.

For more, check out how to use Proximity Chat in Warzone 2 and how to get and use a Revive Pistol in Al Mazrah.

Image Credit: Activision