What Should Return/Change in Black Ops 2: “FAMAS”

Keshav Bhat

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Today we are starting a new series here at charlieINTEL where every Sunday morning we’ll post “What we want to see return/change in Black Ops 2”. So today’s first subject is, should the Assault Rifle “FAMAS” return?

Black Ops was known because of it’s variety of guns that spanned a wide time period. The Famas allowed players that have never played Call Of Duty before to get a fighting chance at getting a positive K/D ratio. Personally, the Famas allowed me to get kills when the other team would keep dominating, it allowed for a sense of balance. Yes, this gun was a major topic of controversy due it being overpowered, but you can say that for any gun if you know how to use it well.

If you want to talk about historical accuracy, the very first Famas was not developed until 1978, this specific Black Ops variant (Famas F1 FELIN) didn’t come into existence until the late 1990s.

We asked a few folks on twitter what they thought, and @thatrottonapple said, “For those who think the gun is OP’d they can always change it. 2. i NEVER had an issue with it in MW2 or Black Ops. It was not powerful in MW2 or black ops. Great gun brings back memories”. Then we asked someone who didn’t want it back, and @Jarsh019, said, “because knowing Treyarch they will make it OP again and wont balance it.”

Stay tunes next Sunday when we return with a new subject on what should return (or change) in Black Op2. Leave us some suggestions in the comments below.


About The Author

Keshav Bhat is the Co-Founder of CharlieIntel.com, the world's largest Call of Duty news site. Based in Atlanta, Keshav also serves as the Head of Social Media for Dexerto network, running a network of over 10 million social followers. Keshav can be contacted for tips at [email protected]